نامه آزربايجانيهاي جدا شده از سازمان مجاهدين خلق ايران
به: كميته حقوق بشر- سازمان ملل
از: آزربايجانيهاي جدا شده از سازمان مجاهدين خلق ايران- مستقر در TIPF- كمپ اشرف-عراق
تاريخ: ٢٧ مه ٢٠٠٦
با سلام و عرض احترام
بدينوسيله به اطلاع شما مي رسانيم نزديك به يك قرن است كه ملت شريف و مظلوم آزربايجان، همچنين ديگر مليتهاي غيرفارس در ايران از جمله مليتهاي كرد، عرب، تركمن، بلوچ، تركهاي قشقائي، و ..... تحت وحشيانه ترين سركوبها و ظلمها از طرف حاكمان شونيست فارس قرار گرفته است. تمامي حقوق ملي، اقتصادي، سياسي، فرهنگي، اجتماعي و..... ملت ترك آزربايجان جنوبي و ديگر مليتها توسط حاكمان و سيستمهاي شونيستي ايران پايمال شده است. جامعه ٣٥ ميليون نفري تركهاي ايران كه همراه با ساير مليتها اكثريت جامعه ايران را تشكيل مي دهند حتي از ابتدائي ترين حقوق ملي خود (خواندن و نوشتن به زبان ملي خود) محروم هستند. زبان و فرهنگ فارس كه زبان و فرهنگ يك اقليت در ايران است به اكثريت مليتها تحميل مي شود.
همچنانكه مطلع هستيد ستم ملي و سركوب به حدي بالا رفته است كه جامعه آزربايجان جنوبي، اخيرا به وضعيت انفجاري خود رسيده است. اين ملت كه اين بار خود را در معرض تحقير و اهانتهاي علني روزنامه هاي دولتي رژيم جمهوري اسلامي ايران يافته است، به اقدامات اعتراضي مدني و مسالمت آميز در سراسر شهرهاي آزربايجان دست زده است ولي حتي اعتراض بر حق و مسالمت آميز آنان نيز توسط رژيم فاشيست ايران به خاك و خون كشيده شده است.
رژيم ايران با وحشيانه ترين سركوبها تعدادي زيادي از ملت آزربايجان را دستگير و زنداني كرده، تعداد زيادي را هم در خيابانها مجروح و كشته است. ما ضمن محكوم كردن اعمال وحشيانه رژيم فاشيست و شوونيست ايران، از شما ارگانهاي حقوق بشري تقاضا داريم با آگاه كردن مجامع بين المللي رژيم ايران را جهت متوقف كردن سركوب، كشتار و زنداني كردن مردم تحت فشار قرار دهيد و از حقوق ملي-بشري آنان حمايت نماييد.
با كمال تاسف مي خواهيم به اطلاع شما برسانيم كه در خارج از ايران نيز بعضي از اپوزيسيون كه به نام تشكيلات سراسري ايران فعاليت مي كنند، مانند رژيم ماهيت شوونيستي دارند و به همين دليل سالهاست كه با سكوت خود در رابطه با ستم ملي اعمال شده بر مليتهاي غيرفارس در ايران، رژيم ايران را عملا در اين رابطه حمايت كرده اند كه از جمله آنان سازمان مجاهدين خلق ايران و شوراي ملي مقاومت ايران (N.C.R.) است.
اين سازمان همچون رژيم ماهيت شوونيستي دارد. در تشكيلات خود در عراق و ساير كشورها با ممنوع كردن زبان تركي، اعضاي غيرفارس خود را مجبور به تكلم به زبان فارسي كرده است و حتي در آيين نامه اش هم اين بي عدالتي را رسمي كرده است. ما در عراق، در تشكيلات سازمان بارها حتي فقط به خاطر تركي صحبت كردن توسط اعضا و شوراي رهبري اين سازمان سركوب شده ايم. آنان با گفتن جوكهاي غيرانساني در قرارگاههايشان ما و تمامي ملت ترك را مورد تحقير و اهانت قرار داده اند.
[ما] بدليل اعمال شوونيستي و استراتژي غلط آنان، از اين سازمان جدا شده ايم و به TIPF- كمپ اشرف-عراق كه تحت اداره ارتش ائتلاف هست آمده ايم. در حال حاضر هم جزو پناهندگان كميسارياي عالي سازمان ملل متحد هستيم.
از همكاري و زحمات بشردوستانه شما سپاسگزاريم.
با تشكر
در ضمن: ما امضاء كنندگان از حركت ملي آزربايجان جنوبي حمايت خود را اعلام مي كنيم.
To: United nation/ Human Rights Committee
From: Separated Azerbaijanians from P.M.O.I, Residing in TIPF-ASHRAF-IRAQ
Date: 27 May 2006
Dear Sir/Mam:
Hereby, we would like to inform you that nearly around a century, the impeccable and honorable people of Azerbaijan and other non-Farsi spoken people in Iran such as Kurdish, Arab, Turkmen, Baluch, and Ghashghaian Turks have been under the most vicious and brutal suppressions from racist and anti ethnical Farsi spoken rulers and governors of Iran. All of the rights such as national, economical, political, cultural, social and ….. of Turkish spoken people of Southern Azerbaijan and other ethnics have been trampled by the racist and anti ethnical rulers of Iran.
The 35 million Turkish population of Iran and other ethnics who make the majority of the Iranian society are deprived of their primariest national rights such as reading and writing in their language. The Farsi language and its culture is representing the minority in Iran and it is dominating other ethnics in Iran. As you know national cruelty and suppression has been increased and because of that, the Southern Azerbaijan society has reached to explosive situation. This nation and ethnic has found itself in Iranian Islamic government’s disdain and misbehavior which has mentioned in Iranian Islamic government’s press, and because of that they have done peaceful and pacifist rally and complaining performances in Azerbaijan cities. But their right to protest which is peaceful and right has been taken by the fascist Iranian regime and their protest have been bloody by this fascist Iranian regime.
Iranian government with the most vicious suppression has arrested and apprehended many of Azerbaijan ethnics and has put them in jail and also many of them have been wounded and killed in street clashes.
We want to condemn these vicious performances by Iranian fascist and anti ethnics government, and also we are expecting all the humanitarian organizations to inform all international organs and communities to put pressure on Iranian government to stop killing and murdering and suppressing and detaining of Azerbaijanian ethnic and all the humanitarian organizations should be mobilized to support Azerbaijanian ethnic’s humane and national rights.
Unfortunately we would like to inform you that, in outside of Iran there are few opposition groups which are claiming that they are active in throughout Iran. These opposition groups have the same political platforms as the fascist Iranian government has, and because of that, they have kept their silence about national cruelty against ethnics who are non-Farsi spoken since many years ago, and with their silence actually they are supporting Iranian government’s suppression against non-Farsi spoken ethnics.
One of those organizations is Peoples Mojahedin Organization of Iran (P.M.O.I.) and the political wing of P.M.O.I. which is called National Council of Resistance (N.C.R.) based in Paris/France. This organization has the same anti non-Farsi spoken essence as Iranian government has. This organization has forbidden and prohibited talking Turkish language in their organization in Iraq and other countries and they have forced their non-Farsi spoken members to speak Farsi, and also they have made it formal in their regulations in their organization. We have been suppressed many times by high ranking officers and governing council of P.M.O.I. just because we were speaking Turkish. They have despised us and all the Turkish spoken people in P.M.O.I. by telling dirty jokes about Turkish people in their bases.
We have seceded from P.M.O.I. because of their anti ethnical mood and behavior and also their wrong strategy and platform. We are residing in TIPF-Ashraf Camp which is supervised by coalition forces. We are the U.N. refugees as we speak.
We are thankful and grateful to you because of all your humanitarian efforts.
Many thanks
qadin@gaio.org, gaip@gaip.org, ildirim.azer@videotron.ca